
Criminal Defense

Monmouth County Attorneys for Individuals Fighting Charges

At Goldstein Law Group, our Monmouth County criminal defense lawyers have assisted many people with fighting charges of domestic violence, drug crimes, DUI offenses, and more. Even if your charges seem relatively insignificant, a conviction can have serious repercussions that extend long after you pay a fine or serve time in jail. We can explore the details of your situation and advocate for you with the tenacity that you deserve. People who need a traffic ticket attorney also can come to our firm for guidance.

Mount a Strong Criminal Defense against the Prosecution

Many individuals come to us when they have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI). In New Jersey, you may be determined to be driving under the influence if your blood-alcohol concentration is .08% or higher. There are increasing tiered penalties depending on whether your BAC falls between .08 - .10% or .10% - .15%. Penalties for a first offense can include loss of driving privileges, between $250 and $400 in fines, a surcharge of $1,000 in yearly car insurance for three years, and up to 30 days in jail. In some cases, an ignition interlock device may be installed on your vehicle for six months to a year. You may be required to take alcohol or substance abuse classes. Generally, the greater your BAC, the greater the fines and longer the suspension, even for a first-time offender.

If you drive while your license is suspended due to a DUI, you may face additional penalties. Prior convictions for DUIs in New Jersey substantially increase the penalties for any of these tiers, which is why it is so important to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney in Monmouth County even if it is your first time being arrested on this type of charge. For example, for a third offense within 10 years of a second offense, you could face a $1,000 fine, six months in prison, up to 90 days of community service, a license suspension, and the installation of an ignition interlock device while your license is suspended and for 1-3 years after it is restored.

There are ways in which we may be able to help you beat DUI charges in New Jersey. Law enforcement officers must follow stringent procedural requirements during the arrest, and labs performing blood and urine tests must also follow strict protocols. For example, the police may not have had probable cause to stop your car in the first place. The field sobriety tests may not have been done according to the appropriate procedures. The Breathalyzer test may not have been performed using a machine with records of regular maintenance.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can analyze all the arrest details, whether the crime alleged is a DUI, an assault, or a drug crime, and identify issues that present a basis to fight the charges.

Consult a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Monmouth County

The attorneys at Goldstein Law Group have represented many individuals in criminal matters ranging from DUI to domestic violence and drug possession. Our lawyers know that you may be understandably confused or embarrassed about the charges, and you probably want them to go away as quickly as possible. Our Monmouth County criminal defense attorneys will work compassionately and diligently to help you pursue that goal. Contact us at (732) 967-6777 or via our online form to set up a Free 10 Minute Case Evaluation* if you need a DUI attorney or assistance in fighting another type of charge. Many of our clients have come from communities such as Rumson, Freehold, and Old Bridge.

Client Reviews
"It was truly a pleasure to work with Mr. Goldstein and his entire staff. He was extremely professional and followed up in a timely manner. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him or work with him again in the future." Alison
"Great Job. Thanks for your help and expertise." Terry M.
"When you need a warrior to fight for your rights in family court, I highly recommend Mark Goldstein and his legal team. Two thumbs up! Thx Goldstein Law Group!" Mike
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